McCain economics advisor calles Ameri... message board: Archives: Politics & other archives: 2008: July, Aug, Sept -- 2008: McCain economics advisor calles Americans "whiners"...
Author: Talpdx
Friday, July 11, 2008 - 7:42 am
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One of my favorite former members of Congress and leading John McCain Economics Advisor former GOP Senator Phil Gramm said the economy is fine but Americans are "whiners" for complaining about it. Just goes to show how out of touch this Texas millionaire is with the American people. Gas and food prices are through the roof, but Phil and Wendy Gramm are making money hand over fist. You remember Wendy Gramm, Ken Ley's buddy and member of the ENRON Board of Directors. Birds of a feather.

Author: Chickenjuggler
Friday, July 11, 2008 - 10:02 am
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Just a few more months and we won't have to hear from McCain or his advisors ( hopefully ).

There are times in which I believe people are, in fact, just whining. Right now, and about the economy, is not one of those times.

I'm sure there will be a back-track coming from Gramm real soon. Something like " I was talking about ( insert easy scapegoat here )."

Also, on a side note, I saw McCain responding to Gramm's comments in a public speech or something. McCain has a terrible poker face and a couple VERY distinct " tells " when he is lying. They don't always show up. But when they do, it's funny to see. Look for ear lobe tugging and looking down and to the left when he is saying something that he resents having to say that he knows he doesn't actually believe. He agrees with Gramm. But he knows that would be very unpopular. So he gets frustrated and resentful. His ability to hide his crankiness is diminishing. His posture changes when he has to go on the attack about something that he only does because it's part of the poilitical game - FOR HIM. It's all his asvisors know.

I've always said that McCain, if left to speak from his own heart and mind, would probably have made for a more honest campagin. McCain, not so deep down, is truly a maverick. But he has chosen this path to pander ( to a degree that is very uncomfortable to him ) and with that comes an inability to deviate from the old formula. My belief is that after the campagin ends, McCain will go around on the talk show circuit and people will be like " Geeze. If we would have seen this side of McCain during the actual campaign, I would have given him more consideration. " ( Re: Bob Dole ). But he's on his path now. And I'm going to vote for the guy who at least believes what he is saying. And that ain't McCain this year.

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