KUIK's Airshow Coverage This Year

Feedback.pdxradio.com message board: Archives: Portland radio archives: 2008: July, Aug, Sept - 2008: KUIK's Airshow Coverage This Year
Author: Alfredo_t
Sunday, August 10, 2008 - 10:23 pm
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Unlike in many previous years' airshows, KUIK did not broadcast the airshow announcer and music this year. Instead, KUIK personalities were doing play-by-play of what was going on. I miss the detailed descriptions of the maneuvers and airplanes that the official airshow announcers used to provide.

Does anyone know what happened? Did the airshow not grant KUIK the rights to broadcast the official airshow announcers? Was there a concern that too many people were just turning on the radio, looking up, and getting most of the airshow experience without paying admission?

Author: Darkstar
Monday, August 11, 2008 - 6:29 am
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2005 was the last year they allowed KUIK to broadcast the announcer live. Unfortunately, it's exactly what you say as too many people were just not paying admission and just loiter around the outside of the airport watching.

In 2006 KUIK decided to get their own hosts to do interviews at the airshow and Dave Bourne records a lot of vignettes with the performers before hand to play when the airshow gets noisy.

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